By the way, this blog is provided at no cost to the club.  As a $$$ contributor to the British Car Forum I qualified for free hosting of a blog, and this is how I decided to use that benefit.

I’m also the moderator of the Austin Healey Forum within the British Car Forum, and in fact I was the first moderator recruited back in the year 2000 when the BCF was launched.  It seems hard to believe that I’ve been at it for 20 years, but here we are.

In any case, I highly recommend that you make the British Car Forum a regular stop in your web surfing.  Check out the Austin Healey Forum in particular and you’ll find a wealth of searchable content covering many aspects of maintenance and repair, among other subjects.

It’s a great place to post questions and we’re fortunate to have many experienced and skilled owners share their experiences there, and as a moderated forum you need not fear personal attacks or the “acting out” that occur on many unmoderated forums.  We simply do not have that type of person or that type of activity there (and as the moderator I make sure it stays that way!).

There’s no cost to register and participate, and you can easily benefit greatly.  Take a look around in the British Car Forum and I think you’ll be impressed!

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