Here’s another blast (or spark?) from the past: spark plugs with three electrodes.
Actually, with a little Internet searching I see that these seem to still be available. The ones shown here came out of the RHD BN2 project that I’ve written about several times, and have likely been in the car for at least 30-35 years, and possibly much longer.
They worked fine when we got the engine started, but we’ll go with a modern spark plug and keep these around as a reminder of the unconventional approach the previous, long-term owner took to just about everything.
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Come on, Reid. Time for a new post!
Glad to see that you’re frequently checking my modest blog! Yes, it has been longer than usual since my last post, but I was rather preoccupied with final planning and preparation, and then actually presenting, this event that I own and chair:
The Rally looks like great fun in a wonderful location. Unfortunately, a very long journey from the Southwest Florida Coast! McMinnville is my wife’s birthplace and early childhood home. Always love to visit Oregon.
All the best!