In the off chance that any Austin-Healey Club of Oregon members are reading my blog, it’s time to prepare for the bi-annual election of officers for the 2021-2022 term.  A nominating committee has been formed and anyone interested in standing for one of the club offices is encouraged to contact Mark Schneider, chair of the committee, at

As the incumbent club president, elected less than a year ago to fill the then-vacant position, I am willing to stay on for the next term, but I’m also delighted to stand aside if some other member would like to bring their vision to the leadership of the club.  After all, I have failed miserably to find a cure or vaccine for the pandemic, I have no new ideas for improvements in preventing and fighting the wildfires consuming large swaths of the state, and don’t get me started on the rioting and arson.

On the positive side, with so little club activity, expenses for the year have been minimal.

I’ll also readily confess that I have failed to hold the bylaws-required number of meetings, and so if you can’t come up with someone better for the job, let’s face it – you’re not really trying.

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