Among the many BMC/Austin factory publications I have collected over the decades there are some binders with technical service bulletins issued by BMC and/or Austin and/or Hambro, the US distributor.

Some include solutions to recurring problems and some provide company policy on how to react to certain customer claims, or to curb excessive replacement of parts that were apparently cutting into profits a little too deeply.  One such “confidential” bulletin dated July 17, 1967, plainly stated, “It is obvious that shock absorbers are being quite needlessly changed under Warranty.”

It’s all just another fascinating insight into the world of sports car ownership and dealership operations in a simpler time.  Oh, and if you’re curious, here’s the guidance that Hambro provided regarding shock absorber replacement:

“Bounce car until noise disappears” is clearly an operation that only a factory-trained mechanic should attempt.

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